Egusi Soup is a finger-licking good Nigerian soup made with a white variety of pumpkin seeds. It is spicy, nutty with exotic African flavors! See the video below on how to make Egusi Soup.

What is egusi soup made of?

Egusi Soup is a soup made with a white kind of pumpkin seeds (obtainable from African stores or

Ground egusi (or pumpkin seeds) is the main ingredient. Other ingredients include red palm oil, African crayfish, meats and fish, seasoning, hot pepper and some form of leafy greens.

Egusi Soup is a Nigerian classic enjoyed in various forms across the country. Here is what egusi looks like:

Egusi or white pumpkin seeds in a bowl

Egusi is basically white pumpkin seeds though some people prefer to call it melon seeds.

What does Egusi Soup taste like?

Egusi soup is nutty, spicy and so rich thanks to the variety of meats and fish often used.

Egusi is enjoyed in various ways in West Africa. Check out this Cameroonian Egusi Pudding or this Egusi Stew or even this Ogbono and Egusi Soup.

How to Make Egusi Soup

How To Make Egusi Soup

Egusi soup happens in three main steps.

1: Boil the meats and/or fish you intend to use. Preferably do this the day before so making your egusi soup is easy the next day.

2. Grind the egusi. I advise that you always buy whole egusi seeds and grind them yourself. That way you are sure of the quality of the seeds. Pre-ground egusi is not always the best.

3. Saute onions in red palm oil, cook egusi in red palm oil then add the boiled meats, crayfish and seasoning. It is really that easy!

Nigerian Egusi Soup best

Egusi Soup and Pounded Yam

One famous way of eating egusi soup is with pounded yam – a dough-like side dish made out of pounded (or ground) African white yam.

These days, yam flour is available in African stores and on Amazon so you can easily make your own pounded yam at home.

Egusi soup and pounded yam on a plate
Egusi Soup and Pounded Yam

You could also serve Egusi Soup with garri (granules made out of cassava/yucca root).

To make garri, you simply have to boil water and add the granules to it. You can see how I make garri in this video.

Egusi Soup and Garri (Eba)
Egusi Soup Served with Garri

Egusi Stew

Egusi stew is similar to egusi soup in that they are all made out of egusi. But egusi stew is mostly made to be eaten with rice and the ingredients used are different. Check out my Egusi Stew recipe here.

How to cook Egusi Stew
Egusi Stew

P.S. I finally made a video on how to make Egusi Soup. This has been a long time coming. Hope you enjoy the recipe!

Nigerian Egusi Soup Recipe

Watch How To Make Egusi Soup

Watch me making Egusi Soup in the video below. If you haven’t subscribed to my Youtube channel yet, SUBSCRIBE so you do not miss any of my videos.
